June - August Prayer Letter
June - August 2017
Dear Friends and Partners,
We hope this letter finds each and every one of you experiencing good health and the abundant blessings of God.
The Bible tells us in Psalm 68:19 Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah.. I would like to mention a few of the many benefits or blessings that we have experienced in the last few months. Our son Samuel was born on the 16th of August. He is a healthy baby with a starting weight of 8 lbs 8 ounces and 21 ¾ inches long. We thank God for the privilege of being the parents of this young life. We pray that he will receive Christ at a young age and grow up to serve the Lord with his life. We thank the Lord that both Carrie and the baby are doing well.
We also want to thank the Lord for the safety we have experienced while traveling to and from meetings. We have several meetings booked for the next four months and our desire is to be a blessing to every Pastor and Church member that we have the opportunity to meet.
We have recently purchased a larger van to fit our family. It also will allow us to travel farther and for longer periods of time. It is our desire to be able to go fulltime deputation but we also realize that God’s timing is of the utmost importance.
We are planning to take the whole family on a survey trip to Ghana in May of next year. We would appreciate your prayers concerning this endeavor. It will cost around $8000 for the whole family to go and we know that God will supply the funds to do so if it is His will.
I want to close by saying that the intercessory prayer of our friends and partners avails much for the glory of God. James 5:16b The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much..
May God bless all of you as you serve our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,
Bro. John and Family
- Specific prayer requests.
- Continued healing of Carrie after having the baby.
- Safety traveling.
- The presence of God in our meetings.
- The salvation of souls.
- That we may be an encouragement to the churches we are in.