November - December Newsletter
Dear Friends and Partners,We pray that all of you are in good health and experiencing the blessings of God abundantly. We hope that everyone had a good Thanksgiving holiday and spent time reflecting upon the great blessings of this past year. Ps 92:1 It is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD, and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High: The Lord has allowed us many opportunities to share our burden in the last couple months and for this we are very thankful. We have reached approximately 12 percent of support. Praise the Lord!!! We have seen God move in several of our meetings and this is a wonderful blessing.
Here we are again at the end of another year and facing the Christmas season. As we partake in the Joys of the season may we not get wrapped up in the world’s view of Christmas but remember the gift of God’s Salvation and the reason for the celebration our Saviour Christ the Lord.
The world stops at the baby in the manger and wants to leave him there, but for those of us who are saved we realize that this baby is God and His purpose for coming is our redemption.
But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. Galatians 4:4-5
We are looking to take our final survey trip to Ghana the last week of May into June. Please be in prayer about this as we prepare the necessary passports, visas, and get the needed vaccinations.
Merry Christmas and May God bless all of you as you serve our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,
Bro. John and Family
Specific prayer requests.
The presence of God in our meetings.
The salvation of souls.
That we may be an encouragement to the churches we are in.
The funds for the upcoming Survey trip.